What Is Advanced Homoeopathy?
Approach Strategy For Each Disease State
Selection Of The Medicine
Advanced Homoeopathic Philosophy
Advanced Homoeopathic System - A Revolutionary Progress In The Science
It is a new technique of Homoeopathic treatment developed by Dr. Parimal Banerji over a period of more than 45 years of research work covering clinical observations of around 14 million patient visits and disease states. His system has been internationally adopted by hundreds of leading Homeopaths. Those who have adopted this technique have significantly improved the efficacy of their practice and consequently the popularity of their practise too.
The system of treatment comprises not just medicine selection.
After the completion of the diagnosis and Homoeopathic reclassification there is a norm established for approaching each disease state. This may include addressing a particular aspect of a complex disease first, which may be just the temporary alleviation of pain. This is complemented by a longer-term treatment. This is only possible under Advanced Homoeopathy because it is now possible to have a Homoeopathic 'pain killer' for specific types of pains. Such specific medicine selection was unthinkable under conventional homoeopathy.
Advanced Homoeopathy has already identified a manageable number of medicines that are used in more than 95% of the cases. Moreover the medicines are potency specific. Which means according to Advanced Homoeopathy there is no medicine called Atropa belladonna because that alone without designating a potency is non-existent in the physical inventory of medicines. So in the Advanced Homoeopathic materia medica there are medicines like Atropa belladonna 3C or Atropa belladonna 6C or 30C or 200C, etc. Among these medicines a specific set of medicines have been identified for a type of disease. Again depending on the sub-classification of that disease either a single medicine or a few medicines each for a particular disease state is prescribed. For example a painkiller to be administered once every 15 minutes during acute pain and another longer-term medicine for the actual treatment of the disease to be administered once daily or once in three days. The intervals of specific medicines for specific disease states have also been standardised under Advanced Homoeopathy.
The other element is the management of the disease. This includes the accurate identification of the maintaining cause of the disease state. Advanced Homoeopathy has identified specific maintaining causes for each disease state that are based on better understanding and interpretation of Human physiology, pathology, allopathic pharmacology and in some cases anatomy. The management technique would include specifying diets, clothing, postures and also the exact procedures for the withdrawal of allopathic medicines and the abandoning of their associated management advice.
The evolution of the above diseases specific repeatable processes have been possible because of the guiding and over riding philosophy of Advanced Homoeopathy. This philosophy has been made up of more realistic and refined interpretation of the original principles proposed by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. Some of the most important elements of this philosophy that differentiates itself from convention are as follows:
Conventionally, the fundamental principle of Homoeopathy is widely accepted as 'What can be produced can be eliminated'. Advanced Homoeopathy makes a refinement by saying that in addition to the above we must also keep in mind that 'What cannot be produced cannot be eliminated'. This simple statement is as revolutionary as the realisation by Sir Isaac Newton 'Why does the apple always fall to the ground and not the other way round?'
This subtle refinement, created by Dr.Parimal Banerji, requires the entire format of the Homoeopathic Materia Medicas to be completely recast. It also demands a completely new thinking about the concept of 'totality of symptoms'.
It immediately shows that it would no longer be possible to just take the list of all the symptoms that a person has from head to toe and then identify the drug that accommodates the maximum match.
The Concept of a Physico-Mental-Dynamic-Plain of Drug as well as Disease Action
In order to clarify the significance of this new statement, Dr. Banerji has created the concept of a Physico-Mental-Dynamic-Plane (PMDP). This in short is a theoretical plane that is affected when an individual is exposed to a certain disease influence. In other words when a particular disease influence affects a person it exhibits a particular set of symptoms. For example when a person gets wet in the rain and gets pneumonia - his lungs are affected, he has fever of a particular character, fast respiration etc. But this influence is unrelated to a knee pain he may be suffering from since he had slipped down the stairs. So under advanced Homoeopathic method these would be taken to affect two separate PMDPs because they were caused by two separate diseases influences.
Hence, the situation would demand two separate medicines for the pneumonia and the knee pain respectively. However, the reader must keep in mind that this is a very theoretical example and hence depending on the gravity of the situation the physician may choose to address the pneumonia first and then deal with the knee pain later.
Though this concept of the PMDP has been practically verified millions of times in the clinics, theoretically too it is very much valid. This is because even if we assume that the pneumonia symptoms and the knee pain symptoms have been listed under the same drug because they were observed during proving or poisoning sessions, they had not been caused in the same person by the influence of the drug. In reality each prover or a finite group of provers exhibited a particular set of symptoms when they had taken the crude drug. Therefore, only those specific set of symptoms, which had occurred together affecting a particular PMDP, can be eliminated when the potentized version of the drug is administered.
The concept of the Human Constitution - Though proposed and proved by Dr.Banerji several decades ago - it is now supported by the accepted concepts of Human Genome Project.
Advanced Homoeopathy has a very sophisticated perspective towards the Human constitution. It successfully addresses the issues of susceptibility to a particular type of disease influence and also the corresponding susceptibility of being relieved by the influence of a particular medicine.
In order to make this practically relevant Advanced Homoeopathy has adopted the concept of Parimal Banerji Grouping (PBG) which is a technique of classifying groups of symptoms that have been found to be occurring together most of the time under each medicine.
The above-mentioned changes that have been created and successfully introduced into practise by Dr.Parimal Banerji represent absolutely original, unbiased and independent work that has culminated in the creation of a completely new genre for Homoeopathic Science. His colleagues, well wishers and also myself in particular have embarked upon the task of disseminating the benefits of his untiring and so far mostly charitable work to the world at large.